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Professional Learning and Development


Ko Te Mātānuku (Professional Learning and Development 2016) te ingoa o te rārangi tautoko ngaiotanga ā te Tāhuhu mō ngā kura me ngā whare rumaki Māori, mō te tau 2016.

Te Rārangi Kaihautū o ngā tautoko ngaiotanga 2016

Cath Rau

Cath Rau (Contract Manager and facilitator)

Ngāti Awa (Ngāti Pūkeko), Tūhoe, (Ngāti Rongo, Ngāti Haka, Patuheuheu).

Cath Rau has specialised in indigenous language and culture regeneration and in particular, Māori medium language/literacy development in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Her work in this area spans the last 30 years and she has either developed or contributed to a wide range of significant Māori language/literacy development initiatives both at national and local levels.

She has extensive experience across all sectors of education from early childhood to tertiary.

She has authored numerous teaching and learning materials for use in schools delivering in the medium of Māori and is published in national and international academic publications including most recently, The Companion to Language Assessment (2014).

For several years she has been providing professional development support to educators in Māori medium settings to ensure that the developing bilinguality (Māori/English) of students enrolled in these programmes is supported pedagogically.

Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust approach to professional development learning (PLD)

Cath leads a team of highly skilled Māori medium educators whose experience and expertise span te reo matatini, te reo Pākehā, pūtaiao, leadership, assessment, te reo o te kaiako, and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa in level 1 and level 2 immersion settings.

Approaches to PLD by Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust include focused work on any one of these areas or a combination of these areas where a more integrated and cohesive approach is preferred.

Digital technologies for learning and for communication underpin the work. Kura that engage with the Trust through PLD may also have access to a web-based programme that targets the achievement of ākonga at Manawa Āki and Manawa Taki in kōrero, pānui, tuhituhi and pāngarau.

This programme, Mauri Oho, includes a facility that matches apps and e-resources to ākonga interests, passions, dispositions and learning styles for highly personalized learning. 

Evelyn M Tobin

Evelyn M Tobin, MNZM, JP

Ngāti Manu, Ngāpuhi

  • Kura kaupapa Māori project coordinator.
  • Māori medium provider – NCEA assessment, tumuaki, management, te reo o te kaiako, programmes for students.
  • Kaitiaki reo – Māori television productions.

I will work with you to develop SMART action plans and assist you to achieve your goals and targets.

Kōtare Enterprises Ltd (est. April 1997)

Te reo kia tika
Te mātauranga kia whānui
Te kaupapa kia kōtui

  • Strategy planning and training for hapū, hapori. 
  • Translation services.
  • Wānanga Reo. 
  • Language Plans. 
  • NZSTA trainer.
  • NZTC governance.

Email: [email protected] 

Te Rārangi Tautoko Ngaiotanga 2016

Koinei te rārangi tautoko ngaiotanga e wātea ana ki ngā kura me ngā whare rumaki Māori mō te tau 2016. 

Māori Medium Supplementary Support Professional Learning and Development (PLD) 

Type of PLD
PLD Descriptions
Te Reo o te Kaiako (Yrs 1-13)

Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings

Teachers and school leaders of te reo Māori in English medium schools with te reo Māori language programmes that operate for a minimum of 3 hours per week  

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Increased teacher confidence and proficiency in te reo Māori that will support the delivery of effective teaching and learning programmes for ākonga success

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Yrs 1-13)

Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, or aspiring to use it. 

Transition in 2015 a priority.

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Marau ā-kura document that intertwines and provides sound teaching and learning programmes against Te Marautanga o Aotearoa objectives

(b)  Leaders and teachers making significant identifiable improvement in student outcomes in the context of Ngā Whanaketanga Rūmaki Māori (NWRM) and/or paerewa paetae/achievement standards (NCEA)

Tumuaki and Management    (Yrs 1-13)

Teachers and school leaders of te reo Māori in kura and Māori medium settings

Teachers and school leaders of te reo Māori in English medium schools with te reo Māori language programmes that operate for a minimum of 3 hours per week

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Quality management systems and processes to meet with strategic and compliance requirements internal and external to the kura e.g. planning and reporting, charters, understanding of NAG requirements and curriculum policy, teacher appraisal systems, school reviews, etc

(b)  Leaders who provide opportunities for Māori learners to succeed in and through te reo Māori

Te Reo Māori in Māori medium (Yrs  1-13)


Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, or aspiring to use it. 

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Effective teaching and learning practises and approaches in relation to the wāhanga ako, within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa,Te Reo Māori and Te Reo Pākeha  

(b)  Improved student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, the literacy and numeracy of te reo Māori in Māori medium and/or paerewa paetae/achievement standards (NCEA)

Te Reo Matatini (Yrs 1-13)



Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, or aspiring to use it

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Improved student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, Ngā Whanaketanga Rūmaki Māori and/or Paerewa Paetae (NCEA)

(b)  Literacy experiences that motivate students to maximise their educational potential

(c)  Students using this literacy and language knowledge to access all wāhanga ako within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

(d)  Appropriate assessment practices to support improved student learning and accelerated achievement

Pāngarau (Yrs 1-13) Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Improved student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, Ngā Whanaketanga Rūmaki Māori and/or paerewa paetae/achievement standards (NCEA)

(b)  Ongoing development of teachers’ use and understanding, the intent and meaning, of both the language of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and pāngarau

(c)  Kaiako increasing their use of pāngarau pedagogical and content knowledge and use of the language of pāngarau in their classroom programmes

(d)  Learning networks of kura and Māori medium settings collaborate to find innovative solutions to challenges related to teaching pāngarau

(e)  Appropriate assessment practices to support improved student learning and accelerated achievement 

Pūtaiao (Yrs 1-13) Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Improved student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, the literacy and numeracy of pūtaiao and/or paerewa paetae/achievement standards (NCEA)

(b)  Ongoing development of teachers’ use and understanding, the intent and meaning, of both the language of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and pūtaiao

(c)  Kaiako increasing their use of pūtaiao pedagogical and content knowledge and use of the language of pūtaiao in their classroom programmes

(d)  Learning networks of kura and Māori medium settings collaborate to find innovative solutions to challenges related to teaching pūtaiao

Assessment (Yrs 1-13) Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, or aspiring to use it

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Leaders and teachers using inquiry frameworks and assessment for learning in ways that inform and develop:

  • High quality teaching and learning programmes
  • Strong foundations in and for students that contribute to vocational and qualification pathways
  • Assessment activities that are valid and relevant for its intended purpose
  • School wide systems for data collection, analysis, planning and reporting

(b)  Improved student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and Ngā Whanaketanga Rūmaki Māori

(c)   Making quality Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJs) with improvements in the quality of internal assessment evidenced through moderation systems, processes and reports

Wharekura Support (Te Marautanga o Aotearoa in NCEA
PLD through Ako Panuku, MoE and the NZQA) 
Teachers and school leaders in kura and Māori medium settings, using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, or aspiring to use it

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Students who have opportunities to make clear choices towards career pathways through responsive teaching, learning and assessment programmes derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) and/or The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC)

(b)  Improved student learning and achievement in NCEA

(c)  Improvements in the quality of internal assessment evidenced through internal and external moderation systems, processes and reports

(d)  Understanding of the new Te Marautanga o Aotearoa standards and associated resources 

Learning with Digital Technologies Teachers and school leaders

Schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Student outcomes are improved through the appropriate use of digital technologies to support learning and digital citizenship

(b)  Parents, family and whānau are engaging with their child’s/student’s learning

(c)  School leaders are leading the integration of digital learning capability

(d)  Teachers use digital technologies appropriately in their practice to develop effective learning environments for all students

(e)  Professional learning networks connect and support school leaders, teachers and PLD suppliers to integrate and share digital learning capability opportunities, leading to the achievement of the outcomes of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa/The New Zealand Curriculum

Te Reo Māori in English medium (Yrs 1-13) 

Teachers and school leaders of te reo Māori in kura and Māori medium settings

Teachers and school leaders of te reo Māori in English medium schools with te reo Māori language programmes that operate for a minimum of 3 hours per week

Level 3 & 4 Māori Medium Settings Preferred

As a result of this PLD schools will be able to demonstrate evidence of:

(a)  Improved learning and accelerated achievement for ākonga using the Proficiency Target Statements in Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori – Kura AurakiCurriculum Guidelines of Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1–13 and/or Acievement Standards (NCEA)

(b)  Strong relationships with whānau, hapū and local communities

(c)   Increase in the use of effective teaching and learning pedagogies that develop a full range of linguistic competencies, including functional language use, breadth of language knowledge and linguistic strategies

(d)   Establishment and maintenance of communities of practice to meet the needs of the target groups including teachers, teachers in leadership, and tumuaki. The communities of practice will be developed and maintained through a range of approaches including face-to-face, online and through a mix of technologies

(e)   Development of an effective e-learning pedagogical framework and practices that support teaching and learning programmes

Te rārangi kaitātaki o ngā hotaka tautoko ngaiotanga 2016

PLD Provision 2016

Provision Leads

Te Reo Māori (English Medium) Dee Reid, Rewa Paewai
Te Reo Māori (Māori Medium) Wharehoka Wano/Nichole Gully
Tumuaki Hineihaea Murphy
Management Hineihaea Murphy
Assessment Cath Rau/Michael Absolum
Te Reo o te Kaiako Rawiri Toia/Tabitha McKenzie/Evelyn Tobin
Pāngarau Leeana Herewini
Pūtaiao Heeni Hope
Wharekura Support (TMoA in NCEA) Ako Panuku
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Frances Goulton
Te Reo Matatini Cath Rau
