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Jordan: My baby can speak to me in te reo

Jordan: My baby can speak to me in te reo

Jordan Waru-Bingham: Te reo is cool and we are a beautiful people. 

Posted: 06/27/2016 04:28 pm

Tānira: Kura Māori is fun for me

Tānira: Kura Māori is fun for me

Tānira Cooper: Having a Māori education hit the spot for me. It does the same for our tamariki.

Posted: 06/27/2016 05:23 pm

Te Tahi: Teaching the whakapapa where an art form comes from

Teaching the whakapapa where an art form comes from

Te Tahi Tākao: Art has a whakapapa too.

Posted: 06/27/2016 05:41 pm

Moko: Really proud of my son

Really proud of my son

Moko Morris: My son showed me the value of a Māori education by seeking it himself. I am so grateful.

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:37 pm

Reupena: Kei te mōhio rātou ki ngā āhuatanga

Rupene: Kei te mōhio rātou ki ngā āhuatanga

Reupena Tāwhai: A Māori child sees the world like no other. (Te reo Māori.) 

Posted: 06/27/2016 03:52 pm

Peehi: It's who we're supposed to be

Peehi: It's who we're supposed to be.

Peehi Waho: The buzz is knowing that what I do contributes to the passion that helps us all be who we are supposed to be.

Posted: 06/27/2016 03:56 pm

Daniel: If you know your language you know who you are

If you know your language you know who you are

Daniel Tawhai: Your reo makes you strong and you can make things happen for you in your world.

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:09 pm

Nan: Ka tino koa te ngākau

Nan: Ka tino koa te ngākau

Kui Pani Waru (Nan): Ka koa katoa tōku ngākau nā aku mokopuna. (Te reo Māori.)

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:25 pm

Tasha: Kia mōhio mai te tamaiti

Kia mōhio mai te tamaiti

Tasha Webby: Our children know who they are through their physical, mental, family and spiritual dimensions. (Te reo Māori.) 

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:28 pm

Ronnie: When we were hapū

Ronnie: When we were hapū

Veronica Tāwhai: We made a decision as a whānau to give te reo to our tamariki. 

Posted: 06/27/2016 03:46 pm
