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Jules: It's never too late

Duration: 02:26

Julia Waru: It’s never too late to become your Māori self. Kohanga will be a haven for you.

Reo Māori transcript

He Māori koe. Me tū anō i roto i tō mana, kāore tētahi i tū atu pērā i a koe. Tū kaha, tū māia, hei kanohi mō ō tūpuna, mō ngā whakatipuranga kei te puta mai.

Koina taku kī.

Reo Pākehā translation

You are Māori. Stand with dignity. There is no one else like you. Stand brave and strong. Be the living face of your ancestors, and for those generations who have yet to come.

That’s what I say.
