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Kāinga Pakiwaitara Marau Tūtarawānanga - Ngā pūmanawa matua

Tūtarawānanga - Ngā pūmanawa matua

Hai āwhina

Duration: 03:07

“What we found about TMoA… that NZC didn’t have was that it had that ability for the wholeness of the child and the ability to give us direction around that child as in their spirituality, in their learning…”

He kura auraki a Merivale School, ki Tauranga Moana. Kua tapaina te ingoa o Tūtarawānanga ki ngā akomanga reo rua, rumaki hoki.  Kua whakatauhia ko Te Marautanga o Aotearoa te pukapuka hei ārahi i tōna ahurea, i tōna wairua. I konei ka kōrero anō te tumuaki, a Jan Tineti mō te āhua o tō rātou ākonga.
