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Keli: I thought I wouldn't understand my children

Keli: I thought I wouldn't understand my children

Keli Jarvis: My bi-lingual tamariki are so clever in both languages.

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:05 pm

Jules: It's never too late

Jules: It's never too late

Julia Waru: It’s never too late to become your Māori self. Kohanga will be a haven for you.

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:22 pm

Moko: Be loyal

Moko: Be loyal

Moko Morris: Be loyal to yourself and your children.

Posted: 06/27/2016 06:34 pm

Peehi: I was able to learn all my subjects in Immersion Māori medium

Peehi: I was able to learn all my subjects in Immersion Māori medium.

Peehi Waho: You can’t help but learn English. It’s everywhere.

Posted: 06/29/2016 01:15 pm

Ronnie: There's nothing more important

Ronnie: There's nothing more important.

Veronica Tāwhai: You can learn your reo with your tamariki. 

Posted: 06/27/2016 03:41 pm

Nathan: Began to speak

Nathan: Began to speak

Nathan Picchi: I was scared of our own language. After learning the alphabet I thought I was fluent.

Posted: 06/27/2016 04:23 pm

Nathan: Do you speak in the language

Nathan: Do you speak in the language

Nathan Picchi: Am I a Māori or not? How do I know?

Posted: 06/27/2016 04:25 pm

Tānira: He kawenga o ngā mātua

Tānira: He kawenga o ngā mātua

Tānira Cooper: The school is not a baby sitter. Everyone is involved in the child’s education.

Posted: 06/27/2016 05:28 pm

Tasha: For me it's about the big picture

Tasha: For me it's about the big picture

Tasha Webby: Fears are natural and common. A Māori environment deals to those fears, by making you feel welcome.

Posted: 06/27/2016 05:38 pm

Peehi: Te ao tikanga; ahurea; te reo Māori

Peehi: Te ao tikanga; ahurea; te reo Māori

Peehi Waho: Kia aro ki te āhua o te ao o te mātauranga i Aotearoa. (Te Reo Māori.) 

Posted: 06/27/2016 04:12 pm
