Kia aro ki te āhua o te ao o te mātauranga i Aotearoa he nui ngā wā ko te whakataurite i tētahi ao ki tētahi ao, i te mea, koira te tūāpapa o te ao mātauranga Māori me te ao mātauranga o Aotearoa - me kī ka kīia ko ngā kura auraki he aha rānei. Ki au nei ko te pōhēhē kāore i te mārama he rerekē. Ko te ao o te mātauranga Māori, ko tōna tūāpapa ko ngā āhua Māori, ko ngā tikanga Māori, ko te ahurea Māori, ko te reo Māori. Tē taea te kura auraki ērā āhuatanga te whāngai, te whakaako ki te tamaiti Māori. I te mea kāore tērā kaupapa i ahu mai i whakatūria rānei i runga i te tūāpapa o te ahurea Māori. Nō reira ko te pōhēhē kei raro tētahi i tētahi, me kī, he rerekē, he rerekē noa iho.
Peehi: Te ao tikanga; ahurea; te reo Māori
Duration: 01:10
Peehi Waho: Kia aro ki te āhua o te ao o te mātauranga i Aotearoa. (Te Reo Māori.)
Reo Māori transcript
Reo Pākehā translation
Consider the approach of education in New Zealand and how often it compares different education environments as the basis for Māori medium and New Zealand education - what they sometimes refer to as mainstream schools. I think the mistake is they don’t realise that there are differences. Māori medium education is based on a Māori philosophy, that encompasses Māori values, heritage and language. Mainstream schools can’t nurture this and teach it to a Māori child. This is because their methods aren’t based on a foundation of Māori culture. It’s a mistake to believe one is better than the other. They are merely different, that’s all.