Pai ki au nei te tauira o te whare hei whakaahua atu i tētahi ao reo Māori, tikanga Māori, whakaaro Māori. Ko te Hou Mai, ki ōku whakaaro, ko te pōhiri mai o te tangata e mataku ana, e tū ana pea ki te waharoa o te marae, e titiro atu ana ki te weriweri o tērā ao ki ō rātou whakaaro, nā runga i te mataku, nā runga i te kūare, tē mōhio nei he aha te hua ka puta mai. Nō reira ko te pōhiri mai, ko te hou mai ki roto he pēnei tonu … kua heke ērā aukati ki a koe. Kia kaua koe e āwangawanga, kia kaua koe e mataku, nā te mea kua whakahekea ēnā mea, ngā mea wero kia māmā atu ai tēnei ao ki a koe. Kua pōhiri mai ki a koe. Ahakoa kua kuhu mai i konei, anei te taumata i roto i te kura, he huarahi e uru atu ai ki roto ki tēnei ao. He mea nui nei kia kī atu ko te ao Māori, he pēnei tētahi waihanga, he ao tūturu nei. Nō reira ko te Hou Mai e hou mai ki roto i ērā whakaaro, i ērā tikanga, i ērā tirohanga kē. He nui ngā ao e noho ia i te tangata ēngari koinei te pōhiri pea … pea … ki te tangata ki roto ki tēnei ao, e hiahia nei ki a koe. Kāore anō kia ekengia te taumata i tēnei wā, ēngari ā tōna wā ko te tāea rawa rā e koe.
Wāhanga 1: To enter this house of kōrero is a life defining journey.
Duration: 17:17
Ruakere Hond: To enter this house of kōrero is a life defining journey. (Te reo Māori.)
Reo Māori transcript
Reo Pākehā translation
I like the example of a meeting house to illustrate this setting for Māori language, culture and values. I think Hou Mai, is an invitation to a person who is afraid, who stands at a marae gateway and sees what they believe is an intimidating world, because they’re scared, uninformed and unsure of what may eventuate. So this invitation, this admission is like lowering barriers for you. It allays anxiety and fear because challenges have been lessened and access to this world made easier. You’ve been invited here. With entry comes the benchmarks within the school, that are a pathway to access this world. It is important to say that the Māori world is an all-encompassing entity complete of itself. So Hou Mai allows entry to that way of thinking, to those traditions and perspectives. People can exist in many worlds, but this is an invitation, perhaps, to a world that chooses you. For the moment these are aspirations, but in time you can achieve this.