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Tānira: He hokinga mahara ki te wā i tae mai

Duration: 01:06

Tānira Cooper: I give thanks to this place and my past. I am grateful that I too am of them. (Te reo Māori.)

Reo Māori transcript

Tēnei te ara tipua, tēnei te ara tawhito, tēnei te ara ai e, mai e te rangi e tū nei, mai e te papa e takoto nei … 

Kei te whakaaro au mō ngā wai, mō ngā maunga kei tua, mō ngā tūtohu whenua o tēnei takiwā, me te mihi ki ēnā tūtohu whenua, i runga anō i te whakaaro nō mua rā anō ēnā tūtohu whenua tū ai. Koina ngā tū whenua, ngā tūtohu whenua i kitea e ōku tūpuna i te wā i tau mai rātou ki kōnei. Nā reira he hokinga mahara ki te wā i tae mai a tūnohunohu mā ki konei, he whakaupa anō, anō nei ko rātou ahau, ko ahau ko rātou.

Tērā te whaitua taketake o Ngāti Raukawa te au ki te tonga, koia te tangi a te Hōkioi, ‘Hū! Hū! E ara e!

Reo Pākehā translation

This is the mystical path, this is the ancient path, this path that rises up, up to the heavens, from the earth below! 

I consider the waters and the mountains beyond, the landmarks of this area, which I pay tribute to, knowing that they have existed for eons. They are landmarks that were seen by my ancestors when they first came here. So I reflect on the coming of those elders to this land. In a sense, they are me and I am them. 

There lies the territory of Ngāti Raukawa in the south. The Hōkioi calls, ‘Hū! Hū! Rise up!’
