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Kāinga Whānau Hou mai: Discovering Māori medium education Wāhanga 3: He kākano au i ruia mai i Rangiātea Jordan: My baby can speak to me in te reo
Hai āwhina
Duration: 01:25
Jordan Waru-Bingham: Te reo is cool and we are a beautiful people.
Wāhanga 3: The consequences of not having language
Moko: Really proud of my son
Tasha: Koinei tā tātou mahi
Te Tahi: Teaching the whakapapa where an art form comes from
Tānira: Kāinga; ahi kā
Peehi: Te ao tikanga; ahurea; te reo Māori
Tānira: Kura Māori is fun for me