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Tasha: Koinei tā tātou mahi

Duration: 02:18

Tasha Webby: We put a child at ease and nurture the seed inside them. (Te reo Māori.) 

Reo Māori transcript

Ko koutou ngā kākano nē? Whāngaihia ki te wai...

Ka taea e ia ngā taumata katoa, mōku ake e whakapono ana ahau ko ngā mātāpono o tō tātou kura… ā tātou tamariki e eke ki ngā taumata e tūmanakotia ana. Kua kite au i tēnā, i ngā tau kua pahemo atu i whakaritea e mātou tētahi hōtaka whakatupu reo. Whakatupu Reo te ingoa mō ngā tauira kātahi anō ka kuhu i roto i tētahi kaupapa reo Māori. Ka noho motuhake tērā hunga mō tētahi wāhanga, kātahi ka tīmata ai te kuhu i roto i ngā akomanga. I te tīmatanga kāore i pērā rawa te kaha o te tū o te tamaiti arā he mataku, ko te anipā, mānukanuka, i te mea he taiao hōu. Heoi anō i te mutunga iho kua kite au i te whanaketanga o te tamaiti i a ia e noho ana i roto i tētahi taiao reo Māori. Ehara i te mea ko te reo anake... te kaupapa o tō tātou nei kura, arā, ko te whakatinanatanga mai o ngā mātāpuna o roto anō i ngā tini kaupapa… Mā reira, mā konā, ka kite atu koe i te tū rangatira a te tamaiti, arā, tētahi kaupapa kātahi anō ka pahemo, arā, ko te whakataetae haka. Nō reira mōku ake, e whakapono ana ahau, kei ā tātou katoa he pitomata. Engari, ko tā tātou ki te kura, ko tā tātou kia whakatipu, kia poipoi. He haepapa nui, he kawenga nui tā ngā kaiako. Engari koina tā tātou mahi, koina tā tātou mahi.

Reo Pākehā translation

You are seeds okay? You need water...

A child can do anything. I believe in the values of our school... and that our children can reach the highest achievements they dream for. I’ve witnessed that over the years with our language development programme. Whakatupu Reo is for students who have just entered our Māori immersion programme. They’re separated for a time, and then phased into our classes. At the beginning they weren’t confident and were very fearful. They were worried about this new environment. But their proper development finally became evident within a Māori language environment. Our school encourages achievement across a range of subjects, not just in Māori language. Through this you can see a child succeed in subjects such as Māori performing arts, for which we’ve just completed our competitions. I believe we all have that potential. Our school encourages and grows that ability. It’s a major responsibility that we bear as teachers. But that’s our job. 
